Get the Scrubdown!
Unlimited Club Frequently Asked Questions
How do I sign up for the Unlimited Scrub Club?
Ready to sign up and SAVE! Sign up online or swing by one of our locations. It’s quick, easy, and opens the gates automatically so you can scrub any time, any day.
When will I be billed for my membership?
You’ll get billed on the monthly anniversary of when you signed up.
What if I get a new license plate or a new car?
No worries! Update your license plate info online under ‘Manage Membership‘ or just chat with our team at one of our locations. We’ll keep your Scrubbing uninterrupted.
How do I cancel my plan?
We will be sorry to see you go, but we understand and will promptly cancel or suspend your account according to your wishes. You can request this in person or click here to manage your membership.
What happens when I cancel my unlimited plan?
Once you cancel, you won’t see any more charges. Simple as that. We hope you enjoyed our services and decide to come back. You are always welcome to the Scrub Club Family.
How often can I wash my car using the Unlimited Membership?
You’re in control—wash your car once a day, after it rains, or if you just have an extra 3 minutes. It’s up to you. So go ahead and Scrub a dub dub!
Do you offer a Family Plan?
Absolutely! Get $5 off each additional membership when you add them to the same credit card. The more, the merrier!
Do you offer specials for Fleet, Family Plan, Group Programs, or Fundraising?
Yes! Use the links below to explore each of our available programs:
Family Plans • Fundraising • Group Programs • Fleet Services